Thursday, January 20, 2011

Update 1/20/11

Hey guys, thanks for signing up for our updates! We are blessed to have so many good friends and supporters.

Here is how things are shaping up for us right now.
- Fundraising continues. We have approximately $9,000-10,000 pledged, so we are a quarter of the way there. Keep that in your prayers continuously.
- We might have found a supporting church. We won't know "officially" for a few more weeks, although everything sounds promising, but we'll let you know as soon as we know.
- We are continuing our Spanish language learning, which is a blessing. I am really enjoying my time with the language.
- We are still working on our LST training. Keep that in your prayers, because between our two full-time jobs, my CPE class, and everything else, life gets really hectic.

Here are a few things to pray for:
1. Pray that God will continue to bless us in the fundraising. It is hard for me (Daniel) to give it all over to God, but I am learning to relinquish control (albeit slowly).
2. Pray for our training, that God will continue to teach us the things that we need to know.
3. Pray for our spiritual development, that we will continue to be drawn closer to the Father. Pray that God will allow us to dig deeper into our relationship with Him and desire Him more.
4. Pray for those in BA that we will be working with, that God will lead us to the right people and prepare their hearts even now.
5. Pray for the church leaders at Caballito, and the whole congregation. Pray that God will use them to be a blessing to their community.

Thanks again for all of your prayers and support. We love each of you!

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